In recent days I’ve been force to think about my approach to gaming. My good friend of many years JM had put a lot of work into a campaign setting of his own creation. It was a rich and imaginative world that held a lot of potential. My friend filled many pages with background, rules and great character classes and a whole lot of options. Along with another life-long friend of ours (we’ll call him AH) we began playing in that world, and having fun. But, I must admit, I was less engaged in that campaign than I had been in others I’d played in the past.
I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and rolled dice, but the campaign itself never “grabbed” me. I was just going through the motions. I didn’t understand why at the time and neither did my friends. The campaign world was great, my friend is a great DM who is skilled at eloquently describing the scenes and action our characters engaged in, and he was always well prepared. However, I just couldn’t produce any characters that I cared about.
After a time, my two friends decided to revive an old group of characters and start a new campaign rooted in a Forgotten Realms campaign that we played twenty years ago. We re-rolled the characters and started a new campaign run by AH. I was on fire for that campaign and threw myself into it with great enthusiasm. Unknown to me, that enthusiasm caused some vexation to JM, who saw it as an indictment of his campaign and skills as a GM, and was contemplating abandoning the campaign. Nothing could be further from the truth. The fault, if there was fault, it was mine.
It bothered me greatly that JM felt slighted, and started me thinking about how I could have done more to embrace his campaign. After a few days of such introspection, I came to the conclusion that, as a player, I’m hard to please.
The accumulation of imaginary treasure and experience points weren’t enough for me. I wanted to get involved in JM’s narrative, and have some effect on it. It’s just the way my brain works. All the treasure and experience levels in creation didn’t mean anything if the characters had no goal. It wasn’t that I didn’t like the campaign JM had created; I liked it so much I really wanted to be part of it.
I wanted to be involved in the complicated politics of the city state of Northwind. I wanted to participate in the subtle machinations of North wind’s all seeing church. I wanted to smell the pipe smoke and beer in the taverns. Being in the world was different from being part of it. The thing is, at the time, I didn’t realize that I wanted any of those things. I thought that the setting was so detailed and imaginative, that my characters would naturally slide into the world. I didn’t tell JM what I wanted to do, so he had no way letting me do it; the quintessential failure to communicate. This resulted in frustration for both of us.
The point is that, even if you’re not running a campaign, you still have to do some work if you’re going to play in it. Look for ways you’re characters can enrich the campaign. Weave them in to the setting by working with your DM to help him tell his story. JM will likely read this entry, and I hope he will take heart and keep his campaign alive.
The Adventure So Far
15 years ago
I don't think you are a hard to please player, old friend. I do think your perspectives on the matter is skewed, though.
As a referee/DM/GM/LL/whatever, it is not my place to create characters for any player, nor fully develop concepts for those characters being played; whether in Northwind/Labyrinth Lord, D&D, or any rpg.
Neither is it my intent to develop any kind of narrative or story beyond explaining and describing your environment and it's denizens. While NPCs may have motives of their own, any greater 'story' (or grandiose campaign) is brought about in play by the Players, by way of their interaction with those NPCs and each other, and the decisions they make in game.
As you should know well, I have always been open to collaboration on unique/interesting character ideas; multi-page backgrounds weaving unearned advantages in the campaign setting notwithstanding. In all truth and fairness, there is simply no way any starting PC is going to be woven into the setting as intimately as you might be suggesting. One could, of course, work toward such a goal, but no starting PC is going to be the lynch pin or corner stone to the setting. If I permitted such a thing, at that point I'm forced to ask, what would BE the point? You've already achieved what you sought and have little incentive to participate with the other characters.
If you didn't have any long range goals in the game, then, frankly, it was up to you to perceive and achieve them -- I can't and won't spoon feed you, nor will I railroad any of my players.
Achieving such a goal, by the way, IS the point of accumulating experience points and treasure. See it as a means to and ends, if you must, but one must make something of himself to garner respect in either of the political arenas of Church or State in Northwind, unless you wish to play a zero level parishioner or clerk with unusually remarkable charisma. Most long range plans will also require some means of financial gain, and being that merchants aren't character classes/professions in the Northwind setting, adventuring is pretty much your only option. It's by no coincidence that many movers and shakers across a plethora of rpg worlds/campaign settings are former adventurers and Northwind was no exception.
I might revive Northwind, but no time soon. The momentum is gone and I think, at this point, things would feel forced after such a strain for you. There are other games to explore and we shall do that.
What I was trying to say here is that I couldn't get myself oriented in Northwind, to decide what goals my characters would have.
I was experimenting with different things and will eventually find a direction.
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